Olivia and Colton were so excited for a tintype wedding photobooth for their 1920s themed wedding on Halloween at the Surf Hotel and Chateau in Buena Vista, Colorado. Their guests went all out for the wedding and everyone looked amazing. It was so much fun helping everyone make some really special portraits for them to take home.
We were set up out on the patio at the Surf Hotel and thankfully we were graced with great weather. Something I always get concerned with when using my old Agfa-Ansco camera and C. Burr lens from the late 1880's. Doing events like this are so much fun as everyone loves to ask questions and hear how I aquired all my old gear, what exactly I am doing to produce the portraits, and just a general mini history lesson on how large format photography works. It's a nice reminder of how good we have it in the digital age. Doing a photobooth this way is a perfect blend of old and new, while maintaining what is most important... the classic image from the lens.
It still takes a bit of cooperation with the subjects to stay still to maintain focus, but it's certainly easier than traditional wet plate tintypes. They take around 15 minutes to produce, and the results aren't always right.
The Surf Hotels original construction was in 1885. Very much in the sweet spot era of wet plate collodion or tintype photography. It's was pretty neat to be taking photographs with equiptment as old or older than the hotel itself. At that time it was the Chaffee County Courthouse and the Jail. Today, there are several lodging options, a fantastic restaurant, and bar.
If you are considering a swanky yet historic mountain wedding venue, make sure to check out The Surf Hotel Weddings site for all their info about pricing and booking.
I am available for all of Colorado and destination weddings, elopements, and engagements. I love to wander.
Colorado Wedding Photographer | Colorado Mountain Wedding Photographer
Fall | Tintype Wedding Photobooth
Wedding | Buena Vista, Colorado